Dear Creative Writing,
I think we might need to break up. I’m not going to bother you with the, “It’s not you, it’s me,” line because I think we both know that isn’t true. You have been noticeably absent from my life for months now and I have no choice, but to assume you’ve found some other girl to inspire.
We’ve had some good times in the past, I can’t deny that. We wrote a lot of cute stories together in elementary school and we crafted overly dramatic poetry when I was an angsty teen, but lately it just hasn’t been the same. I think it would be better to just call it quits now before things get too serious.
I want to be a serious writer, creative writing, and I just don’t think you get that. I remember back when you were always there, I could just sit down at my keyboard and you would greet me like an old friend. Do you remember all the wonderful stories we crafted together? Well, we haven’t written anything like that for months!
When you first abandoned me, I didn’t want to believe it. I continued pecking away at my computer screen, stringing along useless sentences that formed together to create absolutely nothing. There was no spark, no life, no dimension to any of my new characters, but I bet you already knew that because you weren’t here! Anyway, then I got angry at you. Oh, yes creative writing, I was furious. How dare you take off and leave me diddly squat for my stories! After the anger passed, I plead with you to return. I read books on the art of creativity with the hope of fueling you and inspiring you, but still nothing worked! After this, I had no choice, but to mourn your loss. Yes, creative writing, I did love you once and I will miss you also, but I have to accept my new reality.
Finally, I can say that I have accepted that you’re gone. Who needs creating writing anyway! I can get into technical writing or I can write more of these kinds of letters! Except…this letter is creative writing, isn’t it? Have you come back? If you have, don’t leave! I know my letter might suggest otherwise, but maybe we don’t have to break up after all.
With Love,
Samantha Padgett