Anatomy of a Book Project
You have probably heard it said, “There is a book in each one of us.”
Well, all book projects begin with a great idea.
- Formulate an idea.
- Develop an Outline.
- Storyboard is created to organize content.
- Manuscript is completed.
- Manuscript enters editorial phase.
- This is a good time to ask family and friends to proofread the manuscript and identify errors.
- Manuscript enters Interior Design and Formatting phase.
- While manuscript is being formatted, a Custom Cover is created.
- Manuscript is converted from the InDesign working file to a print-ready PDF.
- Cover file is converted to a print-ready PDF.
- Files are submitted for proof.
- Proof provided:
- Actual copy of the finished book
- Author reviews the proof for errors or changes and approves for final publication.
- Wholesale distribution is set up:
- Ingram Book Distributors
- Baker and Taylor Book Distributors
- Author writes press release and book query.
- Marketing materials are designed and created.
- Manuscript is professionally converted into eBOOK format:
- ePUB for NOOK™ and iBOOK™
- Website is designed and created. Website URL is secured along with author email account.
- Author sets up social media sites.
- Author or Publisher submits eBOOK files:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Apple iTunes
- Author formulates and implements marketing plan.
- Author contacts local media sources:
- Radio and television
- Local stores
- Writing and special interest groups
- Reach out to genre specific organizations
Book Project Is Complete
- Author receives listing in the Ingram Catalog, which is sent to over 30,000 retail operators.
- Title goes live on numerous internet sites including the most popular; Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books A Million.
- Bookstores may place orders from Ingram’s catalog.
- Author purchases title directly for the minimal cost of printing.
- Wholesale orders are filled and shipped directly from the book distributors.
- Monthly sales report is generated and sent to author.